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Mandera Silvestro

Development Director 
ig: @iiamdera
Hello, my name is Mandera Silvestro and my role within Quilt Magazine is Development Director. I currently attend California State University Long Beach and my goal is to pursue my master's degree while working with Quilt. This role has given me the opportunity to put what I’ve learned into the classroom into the real world. As a first generation South Sudanese-American student , I personally hope to achieve generational wealth for my family. This is all achievable through my education and experiences. I’ve been exposed to personal finance at a young age and overtime developed an interest in managing numbers. By continuing to be development director, I’m able to get an idea on my focus in career choice. I’ve learned so much looking at Quilts finances and seeing its potential as a nonprofit organization. Becoming a backbone of Quilt also pushes me further to financially build and maintain a successful company alongside my mentors and peers.
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